Where Families Flourish Together | Mon - Sun 8:45 - 17:00
Family Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service Ltd
+447349 299836
Slough, SL37RW
Family Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service Ltd

About Us

About Family Integrated Services

Family Integrated Services is a dedicated provider of supervised contact, transportation, and handover services, aimed at fostering and maintaining the vital connections between children and their non-residential family members. Through our community-based approach and a team of experienced social workers, we ensure the safety and well-being of children during these essential interactions.

Our services, which include carefully managed visits and reliable transportation for educational commitments, are tailored to support families in strengthening bonds and navigating the complexities of parental separation with compassion and professionalism. Committed to promoting family unity and resilience, Family Integrated Services stands as a pillar of support for communities, offering a pathway towards healing and sustained family relationships.

You want to know about our services?

Core Values

  1. Safety and Well-being: Prioritizing the physical, emotional, and psychological safety of children in all interactions and environments.
  2. Family Unity: Committing to the restoration and maintenance of family bonds, recognizing the importance of familial relationships in a child’s development.
  3. Integrity and Trust: Upholding the highest standards of honesty, confidentiality, and ethical practice, fostering trust with families, partners, and communities.
  4. Respect and Empathy: Treating all individuals with respect, understanding, and sensitivity to their unique circumstances and needs.
  5. Professional Excellence: Ensuring staff are highly trained, experienced, and committed to continuous learning in child welfare and family support services.
  6. Inclusivity and Accessibility: Providing equitable services to all families, regardless of background, ensuring our support is accessible to those who need it most.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)