Where Families Flourish Together | Mon - Sun 8:45 - 17:00
Family Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service Ltd
+447349 299836
Slough, SL37RW
Family Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service LtdFamily Integrated Service Ltd

Handover Contact

Handover Contact

At Family Integrated Services, we understand the sensitivities and complexities involved when parents live apart from their children. To facilitate these delicate situations, we offer specialized Handover Contact Services, designed to ensure a smooth, stress-free transition for both the child and the parents during visitations.

Our service is meticulously planned and executed by specialized staff members who are deeply attuned to the needs of both children and their families. We arrange for a professional to visit the home of the parent or caregiver currently residing with the child, and from there, safely escort the child to the other parent’s residence. This process is handled with the utmost care, discretion, and sensitivity, ensuring that the child feels secure and supported throughout the transition.

The goal of our Handover Contact Services is to minimize any potential stress or discomfort for the child, thereby fostering a positive experience for all involved. Our staff are trained to handle various scenarios with empathy and professionalism, making the handover process as smooth and comforting as possible.

Contact Us

  • 12 Hempson Ave, Slough, SL37RW
  • +447349 299836
    +44 7564 523906
  • admin@family-integrated.co.uk

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)